How to Eat Well and Stay Healthy on a Family Vacation
Aug 02, 2017
You’ve finally got some time off from work, and the kids are off from school. So that can only mean one thing — it’s time for a family vacation! And of course, the best part of vacation (other than not having to set an alarm every morning) is trying the local food. But days of nothing but rest and relaxation, mixed with some less-than-ideal food choices can leave even the most determined sightseer feeling worn out. So whether you’re taking a quick weekend road trip, or traveling throughout Europe, here are a few ways to eat healthy and stay fit while on a family vacation.
Pack Healthy Snacks for the Car Ride
If you’ll be in the car for the next five, 10, or dare we say 24 hours, pack healthy snacks for the journey, instead of stopping off at fast-food restaurants along the way. Nuts, dried fruits, grains, fresh fruit, and sugar-free juices will keep your little ones full and entertained no matter how long they’re in the backseat.
Visit the Grocery Store
Trying local cuisine is one of the most fun parts of visiting a new place. So while we’re in no way telling you to skip out on visiting restaurants while you’re away, it’s a good idea to not rely on them for every meal. On your first day, head to a local grocery store and get a few healthy snack options you can carry around with you, as well as food to make small meals in your hotel room or house.
Walk Everywhere You Can
Planning on seeing the sites today? Instead of taking a car service around town, why not walk? Not only will it let you really get the full experience of being in a new city, but it will also help to keep you more active — because we all know no one is going to the gym on vacation.
Split Your Meals
You can’t not get a Philly Cheesesteak when you’re in Philadelphia, or pass on a strawberry crepe while in Paris, but you also don’t have to overindulge in them either. Especially if the portions are on the larger side, decide to split your meal with someone, or wrap it up and save it for another day.
Make Healthier Choices
We know, that’s easier said than done when you’re on vacation, so stick to the rule of having something healthy after each indulgence. And remember, eating healthier doesn’t mean ordering a bland salad for every meal. Sometimes, it can be as easy as choosing water over soda, or mustard over mayo.
Make Water Your Best Friend
Make it your mission to always carry a water bottle around with you. Not only will that keep you hydrated, but water will prevent you from overeating or reaching for sugary drinks. Not a big fan of water? Try infusing it with fruit for a kick of natural flavor.
Eat Breakfast
When the kids oversleep and you’re rushing to make that 8 a.m. snorkeling excursion you booked, breakfast is probably the last thing on your mind. But it’s true what they say, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Eating a balanced breakfast will give you more energy throughout the day and prevent you from overeating. And since most hotels offer a continental breakfast, why not take advantage of it?
Want to take a vacation before summer ends, but not sure where to go? Take a look at our list of the best vineyards in America!