Delicious Desserts to Serve on Thanksgiving
Nov 06, 2018
Aside from being a day to give thanks, Thanksgiving day is also all about the food – from the turkey to the stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and so much more, you would probably agree that Thanksgiving is the one day a year that you eat the most! And we didn’t even mention dessert yet…
Speaking of dessert, since so much of the focus is on what you’ll eat for your main meal, we know that sometimes the sweets and treats are pushed to the side until everything else is all sorted out. But, if you ask us, the dessert is the best part! That’s why today, we’ve compiled a list of delicious dessert ideas to help make the planning easier on you this year – keep reading to see what they are.
Apple Pie
Apple pie is a staple of the fall season, so you can’t go wrong with some apple pie (or maybe some apple crisp or other apple-based dessert too, depending on preference). If you went apple picking this year we suggest that you use the apples you brought home, but if not or you used them all up already, here is a guide to apples that can help you as you decide which type you should use!
Pumpkin Pie
You can never, and we repeat, never, go wrong by having some type of pumpkin treat on the dessert table. After all, pumpkin flavors don’t go away once Halloween is over – they stick around all season long! Even if you already planned for apple pie, giving guests a second option in terms of flavor is always a good idea – this way, you can be sure you have something that caters to everyone’s taste buds!
And more specifically, a fruit bouquet. We think you should always have something healthy mixed in with all of your cookies, pies, brownies and cakes, and a fruit bouquet is the perfect dessert for groups that are both large and small. Our fruit bouquets in particular are comprised of only the juiciest and most mouthwatering fruits, so you can rest assured knowing that guests will love it the second they dig in!
Cake Pops
Put a twist on a traditional cake dessert this year by serving these delicious cake pops (you may also enjoy ice cream cone cake pops too)! These treats are really unique and are proving to be super popular in the dessert world, and we think your guests will absolutely love them! They’re also pretty ideal for your younger guests too, as they may not make as much of a mess as a large piece of cake would!
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Who doesn’t love chocolate covered strawberries? Not only are they on the healthier side compared to some other baked goods, but they’re also dipped in chocolate, which enhances their sweet taste. Speaking of chocolate covered treats, we also think you’d enjoy chocolate covered grapes – they’re just as delicious as strawberries and can satisfy anyone’s sweet tooth!
Whether you serve one, two or all of the above this Thanksgiving, we’re confident that your guests’ mouths will be watering even before the dessert table is open. That said, now let us ask, which desserts are you thinking of serving this year?