18 Strange Fruits You've Probably Never Heard Of
Sep 04, 2017
Have bananas become boring? Are mangos mundane? Do dates taste dull? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place! Though we all love tried-and-true favorites like apples and oranges, it’s fun to spice things up once in a while. And unlike many hybrid fruits that are only native to specific regions, you can find unique fruits in most major farmer’s markets — you just have to know what you’re looking for!
You may be taking a risk with this pungent fruit. While some have described its smell as wonderful and intoxicating, it has sent others running for the hills.
Imagine if you took 20 blackberries and squished each one into one long tube — essentially, you’d have the mulberry! This elongated, string-like berry grows on small, bushy trees all across the globe.
You may get a bit of an arm workout trying to break through a mangosteen’s tough exterior, but the work is worth it once you get to the sweet and tangy (and surprisingly healthy) center.
As the largest tree-borne fruit in the world, jackfruits can sometimes weigh as much as 80 pounds! Needless to say, just one jackfruit can last a family of four quite a while. Though it’s native to Southeast Asia, jackfruits can be found in many California-based supermarkets.
These tiny fruits may look like tomatoes, but one bite and you’ll notice quite a difference. Whether you slice and add them to a fruit salad or bite into it whole, persimmons make a great snack.
Their seemingly bland exterior might not suggest it, but these fruits are incredibly sweet and make a delicious ice cream topping.
Though they may look too beautiful to eat, dragon fruit has become increasingly popular in the United States over the past few years. Perhaps people love it for its slightly sour and creamy texture, which is quite the departure from most other foods in the fruit kingdom.
One cut into a starfruit and you’ll understand where it gets its name from. And while its appearance will certainly jazz up any fruit dish, it’s also tasty. Most people say its flavors mimic that of a plum.
This small, orange berry is closely related to traditional tomatoes. And unlike many fruits that only became popular in America once they came from overseas, the physalis is actually native to North America but more popular in South America.
Passion fruit
Whether you add it to a salad, juice it, or throw it in your favorite cocktail, passion fruit’s sweet and tart flavors compliment any meal or drink.
Though it may look like a scaly avocado, cherimoya is actually known by the nickname “custard apple,” after the custard-like, white flesh that’s found at its center. As for its taste? Many people say it tastes like a cross between a banana, pineapple, and bubblegum...yup, bubblegum!
Move over apples, guava may soon be taking your place as Americans go-to fruit. This refreshing fruit can have you feeling like you’re on a tropical vacation, even if you’re actually preparing for the fast-approaching winter.
In the mood for a sugary drink that isn’t soda? Believe it or not, more people drink tamarillos than eat them. In the Galapagos Islands, a tamarillo is often blended with water and sugar to make a naturally sweet drink.
While it may look more like a nut than a fruit, tamarind is a surprisingly sweet treat and a staple among chefs in Southeast Asia and India.
Bell fruit
Also known as a water apple or Thai wax apple, this “apple” isn’t actually an apple at all. Despite what its many names would lead you to believe, bell fruit is actually a type of berry.
Kiwano (Horned Melon)
This fruit tastes and looks out of this world...literally. Kiwanos have a striking orange and yellow skin with rows of dull spikes across it. But don’t let its tough exterior scare you away too fast. Its center has been said to taste like lemon and lime.
Grab a knife and a spoon, because it’s time to enjoy some feijoas! Though most people love these small, tart fruits, they tend not to care for its skin. Simply scoop out a feijoa’s insides and enjoy!
With translucent skin that lets you see through to its dark black seeds, it’s no wonder why this fruit was named longan, meaning “dragon’s eye” in Chinese. You may have to do some serious grocery shopping to find these, as they’re traditionally found in Asian grocery stores.
While these fruits may require some searching, you don’t have to scour the neighborhood looking for your favorites, like strawberries, melons, and pineapples — we’ve got all of them right here at Fruit Bouquets!