Fun and Easy Ways to Boost Employee Morale
The old model of cubicles, strict divisions of labor, and a rigid hierarchy in the workplace has been completely replaced in recent years. Today, companies care about a lot more than just their bottom line, they care about the company culture itself. Are employees happy? Are they thriving? Are they challenging themselves? These are the questions employers are asking — and for good reason. Numerous studies have shown that when employees are happy they work harder, stay at the company longer, and ultimately earn the company more money.
Aug 22, 2017
The old model of cubicles, strict divisions of labor, and a rigid hierarchy in the workplace has been completely replaced in recent years. Today, companies care about a lot more than just their bottom line, they care about the company culture itself. Are employees happy? Are they thriving? Are they challenging themselves? These are the questions employers are asking — and for good reason. Numerous studies have shown that when employees are happy they work harder, stay at the company longer, and ultimately earn the company more money.
And while raises and extravagant getaways are certainly welcomed gifts, there are plenty of smaller, more cost-effective ways to let your employees know you value and appreciate them.
A Handwritten Note
Everyone loves to be acknowledged for a job well-done. While many companies will send out a quick email expressing their gratitude, a handwritten note is just a bit more personal and memorable.
Ask for Employee Feedback
Whether it’s good, bad, or ugly, you want to hear it. Positive feedback helps management understand who is going above and beyond their job description, while negative (but we’ll call it, constructive) criticism can be used to help address problems and improve overall productivity. And since no one wants to be the person who upsets the boss, you’ll get the best results by asking for feedback anonymously.
Remind Employees of their Purpose
A job is not just a job anymore. People are joining the workforce with the goal of making a difference and working for a company whose ideals align with their own. But after a few years, that initial emotion can get lost in the day-to-day grind of work. Circulating positive letters from clients or people your company has affected is a great way to remind people that the work they do is truly making a difference.
Give Back Once in Awhile
Did your team have a great quarter? Did you just land a major client? Then it might be time to celebrate, company-wide! Something as simple as complimentary breakfast or lunch is a great way to show your appreciation, without breaking the bank. And what snack goes great with any meal? You got it, Fruit Bouquets!
Encourage People to Take Time Off
Giving people time off so that they’re more productive may sound like a bit of an oxymoron, but it really does help! When employees are encouraged to take time off to travel or pursue their passions, they return to work more energetic and enthusiastic. You should also encourage people to stay home if they’re not feeling well, since sick employees tend to be less productive and can infect others.
Promote from Within
When employees see their friends and colleagues growing within the company, it motivates them to work harder to achieve greater success. When employees believe there is room to grow within a company, they’re also more likely to stay with it for years, lowering a business’ turnover rate.
Get Together Outside of the Office
Whether it’s a team building exercise, like an obstacle course, or just a casual get together at a nearby restaurant, getting people up and out of the office is a great way to get people socializing. It also makes people more appreciative and connected to the company, which also lowers turnover rates!
Focus on Continued Learning
Encourage your employees to reach outside of their professional comfort zone and learn about something else related to the industry. Believe it or not, many employees would love to learn more about a new operating system, program, or department, but feel that they don’t have the time or opportunity to pursue it. With technology and on-the-job requirements constantly changing, allowing your employees to further their industry knowledge can really only benefit themselves and the company.
Show your employees a little bit of love this season with fresh and delicious fruit from our corporate collection!