+Prices and discounts are exclusive of applicable taxes. Free Shipping charge applicable on standard weekday delivery for select gifts delivered via direct shipping by common carrier (FedEx, UPS, etc.) within the continental United States only. Free Service charge applicable on florist fulfilled gifts delivered within the United States and order at least two business days before delivery. Items may vary and are subject to availability, delivery rules, and times. Expedited Delivery options may be available for a surcharge. Celebrations Passport® members receive a discounted flat fee of $5 on Wine items. Points are earned for each dollar spent on merchandise excluding applicable service or shipping charges, taxes, promotions, gift cards, and discounts. Celebrations Passport® benefits are not eligible on all products and are subject to restrictions and limitations. Celebrations Passport® members must sign into their account for shipping benefits to apply and to earn points. Offers available online and some orders are available by phone. Prices and charges are subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited.
Click here for a complete description of the Celebrations Passport program Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Notice, and Additional Info for CO Consumers.
Savings amount based on the average standard shipping/service charges of $17.99 of merchandise on purchases made by Celebrations Passport members.