10 Ways To Help Out New Parents
May 27, 2018
There’s no bigger change in a person’s life than the day they become a parent. Suddenly, everything you do no longer revolves around your schedule. Instead, it is all about your little one’s! And while it’s one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, it’s also one of the hardest. If your friend or family member recently had a new baby, here are a few ways you can lend them a helping hand.
Drop off Dinner
Any parent will tell you that before you have a baby, your time at night is spent cooking a nice dinner. But after a baby? The afternoon is for making bottles, changing diapers, and washing onesies. An already prepared lasagna or chicken will be a welcome surprise for any busy family. (Bonus: when you drop off the food, you’ll probably get to see the baby!)
Run an Errand for Them
If your friend mentioned that she’s running low on diapers or coffee, stop off at the supermarket and grab them for her. If you’re not sure what she needs, just give her a call and ask. She’ll probably be relieved that you did!
Take the Older Kids for The Day
If your friend has older children, offer to take them out for dinner. Or, win the ‘best friend of the year’ award by taking them for the entire night.
Help Around the House
Is laundry piling up on the couch? Is the coffee table dusty? New parents have bigger things on their minds than household chores, but that doesn’t mean that they still don’t have to get done. Let mom and dad spend time with their new bundle of joy and take care of some housework that needs to be done.
Hire Someone to Clean Their House
If you don’t have the time to go over and help out yourself, there’s nothing wrong with hiring someone else to do it. Just get your friend’s permission on this one before you do it.
Just Listen
Sometimes, the only thing a new parent needs is to be listened to. Your friend may have taken on a new role as a mom or dad, but there will still be times that they need to vent or talk about something that’s not baby related.
Let Them Rest
If you’re a trusted friend or family member, offer to watch the baby for a few hours while mom and dad catch up on some much needed, uninterrupted sleep.
Give Them a List of Resources
If you’re already the proud parent of a little boy or girl, a new parent may appreciate some guidance. Do you know where to find the cheapest diapers? Do you know the best mommy blogs to follow? If so, share your knowledge!
Take Them for a Night out
New parents can get stuck in a routine of waking up, taking care of the baby, then heading back to bed for the night. Break the cycle by taking them out. Whether it’s a movie or just a trip to the local pizza place, every new parent needs to step away from time-to-time.
Send Something Special
Like we said, whether it’s your first child or your fifth, there’s no bigger change in a person’s life than the day they have a baby. So make sure you let them know you’re excited for the new addition by sending them something special. A baby themed fruit bouquet is the perfect way to brighten up their day and put a smile on their face. Plus, it means they won’t have to run to the supermarket the next time they want fresh fruit!
No matter what you decide to do, your friends will just be happy that you took the time to help!