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Easy Ways to Get Your Daily Servings of Fruits and Veggies

Shannon O'Connor

Aug 10, 2016

We’re sure you’ve heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but it’s no surprise that busy schedules can get in the way of completing certain tasks - including getting your daily intake of fruits and vegetables. Sure most of us aim to follow a healthy diet, but taking the time to prepare three meals a day that include all of the major food groups can be hard work! That all changes today, though - below, check out a few simple ways to get your daily servings of fruits and veggies:

Choose a Salad

Heading out to lunch with your classmates or coworkers? Order a salad instead of a sandwich or a burger! Not only are salads better for you and won’t leave you feeling so full, but there are also plenty of salad options that come with a variety of vegetables on top. And should you want to order something else, remember that you can always get a salad on the side!

Look for Alternatives

When it comes time to go grocery shopping, deviate from your usual list a bit and look for alternative foods that may already have fruits or vegetables in them - for example, vegetable soup. Foods like these are especially useful when you’re pressed for time, since they don’t require you to have to make something on the side to get your daily dose!

Snack Smart

Aside from your meals, think about the way you snack each day - do you usually pack chips and cookies to munch on in between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner? Though they certainly are delicious, we recommend packing foods such as apples and bananas instead.

Drink Them

You don’t just have to eat fruits and vegetables to get the recommended servings each day, you can also drink them! Especially if you’ll be on the go and don’t have too much time to sit down for a full meal, think about smoothies and other drinks that are made with a serving of fruits and/or vegetables.

Save Them for Dessert

If you’re a big dessert fan, you’re likely already leaving room for extra food after your lunch or dinner anyway - since you’ll have extra room, you can fill up on fruit! When it’s just you, perhaps a fruit salad, but if you have guests or a large family to feed, a fruit bouquet has plenty of fruit to go around!

There are so many different ways that you can incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet that it’s almost impossible to miss out on them! Do you have something else that you do to make sure you get your daily servings? If so, be sure to share it with us today!


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