Debunking The Most Common Fruit Myths
Apr 25, 2018
We’ve all heard a good myth or two in our lives, like that the Great Wall of China is visible from space, or that goldfish only have a 3 second memory (for the record, you unfortunately can’t see the Great Wall of China from space and goldfish are believed to have a memory of about three years!). The world is full of misconceptions — especially when it comes to some of our favorite fruits. Though we may not be able to tell you how they got started, we can tell you that these are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about fruit (and the truth behind them).
Myth: A strawberry is a berry.
We’ll give you a break on this one if you thought a strawberry was a berry. After all, it’s in the name. But contrary to popular belief, a strawberry is actually an “aggregate fruit”, because it forms from a flower that has many ovaries. Even more surprising, did you know that technically speaking, a banana is a berry?
Myth: Unripened strawberries last longer than ripe ones.
Whenever you buy strawberries, you should buy them at their peak ripeness. Years ago, people got the idea that buying them just before they ripen will help them last longer in the refrigerator, but we’re sorry to say, that’s not the case.
Myth: People with diabetes can’t eat fruit.
The natural sugars found in fruit have led many to believe that fruit is bad for people with diabetes. And though every person’s diet is unique, fruit in general, is fine for people with diabetes. Though fruit is high in natural sugar, it’s also high in fiber, which slows down your body’s rate of sugar absorption. However, you should always consult with your doctor before making any dietary changes.
Myth: Strawberries don’t contribute to a healthy diet.
Strawberries often get a bad rap for only having vitamin C in them, and not much else. In reality, most people could probably benefit from adding more strawberries into their diet. In addition to their high amounts of vitamin C, strawberries are also high in fiber and antioxidants. They’re also cholesterol and fat-free!
Myth: You can tell a mango’s ripeness by its skin color.
The best way to tell the ripeness of most fruits is to look at their skin color, but mangos are the exception to that rule! The best way to tell if a mango is ripe is to give it a gentle squeeze. A perfectly ripe mango will budge just a bit, but won’t be squishy.
Myth: Avocados are full of unhealthy fat.
While it’s true that avocados do contain fat, it’s “healthy” fat. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fat, the same fat found in peanuts and olive oil. Unlike most fats that are bad for you, monounsaturated fat can actually decrease your risk of heart disease and increase your good cholesterol.
Myth: Fruit is the healthiest when eaten at night.
Where not entirely sure where this idea came from, but there’s really no evidence to support it. One possible thought behind this myth is that since fruit is low in calories it’s a good late night snack. Though it certainly does make a good midnight snack, fruit will be just as good for you in the morning, noon, or night.
Myths: The best way to get vitamin C is by eating more oranges.
If you feel a cold coming on, an orange certainly won’t hurt you, but there are plenty more fruits that have more vitamin C in them. The next time you have the sniffles, grab a strawberry, mango, pineapple, or kiwi — each one has twice as much vitamin C as an orange!
Feel like sharing all of your new found fruit knowledge with your friends or family? What better way to do it than over some delicious, fresh fruit!?