How To Get The Most Out Of Your Spring Cleaning
Mar 30, 2017
Sure, everyone knows that spring cleaning means a bit of vacuuming and dusting, but we’re here to make sure that you get the most out of your big clean. Cleaning your house at the beginning of the season sets the tone for how your house will feel the rest of the year. So if you’ve got your mop, bucket, and broom in hand, but aren’t quite sure what needs the most attention, we’ve got a few tips to help you reach every nook and cranny of your home.
Scrub Your Cabinets
Dust and dirt fall to the floor, so vacuuming gets it all, right? Unfortunately, no! Though most dust falls to the floor and between carpet fibers, a good amount of it also sticks to the walls and cabinets in your home. Not to mention, food particles and other debris can cling to your cabinets if you don’t have or use an exhaust fan while cooking. Make your own wood “cabinet cream” by mixing equal parts warm water and vinegar into a spray bottle. For those really grimy cabinets, add a few drops of liquid detergent or white vinegar for extra grease fighting power.
Rejuvenate Your Mattress
Clean sheets mean nothing if they’re laying on a dirty or contaminated mattress. Bring your mattress back to life by rotating and disinfecting it. Thanks to pillowtops and memory foam, most mattresses are no longer flippable, meaning all you need to do to prevent that awkward dip is rotate it every few months. But more importantly, you should actually be cleaning your bed. Sweat, dirt, and skin can all fall through your sheets and accumulate overtime. Grab a vacuum and clean the surface of your mattress. Then, get a deep clean by running a handheld steamer over your entire cushion.
Disinfect Your Shower Tiles
If you ever have mold in your house, odds are it will be found in the bathroom. Because of that, you should go the extra mile this season to prevent any mold and mildew from invading your shower. Ditch the normal soap and water for a cleaning solution that has “neutral pH” on the label. You can also mix ½ a cup of baking soda into 2 gallons of water and wipe down your tiles. To keep your home looking its best all year long, clean your tile with a squeegee at the end of every bath or shower, to prevent water from seeping through your grout and behind your wall.
Clean Your Ceiling Lights and Fixtures
Ceiling fixtures often get ignored throughout the year and during routine cleanings because they’re often hard to reach. Make today the day you grab that ladder and, very carefully, dust all your light fixtures and ceiling fans. Your ceiling fan is especially important because now that the cold weather has (for the most part) left us here in the states, you’ll probably be relying on your fan more and more to keep you cool. A dusty fan will negatively impact your home’s air quality and can lead to asthma, allergies, and trouble breathing.
Seal Your Floors
Dusting and mopping is great during a weekend tidy-up session, but this is spring cleaning, so now is the time to go above and beyond! Prevent your floors from getting scuffed or dented this year by applying a wax or sealer. Most are pretty easy to apply on your own and only require you to use a combination wash-and-wax floor cleaner and apply it just like you would if you were mopping your floors.
Don’t Ignore Your Large Appliances
Your refrigerator, washer and dryer, and AC unit need just as much attention as your carpets and countertops this spring. Make sure your clothes and food stay their best this year by giving their home a good cleaning.
- Refrigerator: Take everything, yes we mean everything, out of your refrigerator and give the inside a good scrubbing. You should also clean the refrigerator's condenser coil with a vacuum cleaner and long attachment. Built up dust can cause your refrigerator to overheat and work harder than it really has to.
- Oven: You probably clean your stove top once a day, but when was the last time you cleaned the inside of your oven? If your oven has thick, black grease stuck to the bottom, mix a few spoonfuls of baking soda in water and create a paste. Spread that paste on the inside of the oven and let it sit overnight (or for at least 12 hours). Wipe it off with a damp rag the next day and spray the surface with a bit of vinegar and water. Then, leave your oven on a low heat for 15 minutes.
- Washing Machine: A dirty washing machine may be doing more harm than good to your clothes. An unkempt machine can cause you clothes to stretch and pill, or leave them teeming with bacteria, dust and pollen — so a clean machine is especially important for those who suffer from spring allergies. To keep your machine running as efficiently as possible, fill it up on the largest load size and on the highest heat. As it’s filling, add a quart of vinegar and a cup of baking soda. Let the machine run for about a minute, then open the door and leave it to sit for about an hour. After an hour, close the lid again and let the machine run its full cycle. Once it has finished, run the same process again, and then wipe the inside of the machine down with a warm, wet rag.
A deep spring cleaning has been proven to increase your productivity, improve your health, and make you genuinely happier. So no matter what or how you clean, you’re bound to reap some pretty great benefits!