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7 Awesome Foods to Bring to Your Friendsgiving Celebration

Shannon O'Connor

Nov 05, 2016

Who says Thanksgiving has to end after you sit down to a turkey dinner with mom, dad and the rest of the family? Not us, and not many other people either! To keep the celebration going, many friend groups celebrate a second Thanksgiving – a “Friendsgiving.”

If you and your friends have plans to celebrate together this year and have decided that you’ll celebrate potluck style, here are a few different food ideas to help you as you decide on what you’ll bring:

Mashed Potatoes

Turkey wouldn’t be the same without some mashed potatoes on the side, so perhaps you’d like to volunteer to bring this dish and some corn (people love corn on top!). If you want to kick things up a notch, instead of traditional mashed potatoes, consider following this recipe – the mashed potatoes it makes are super creamy and filled with flavor!


While some hosts will volunteer to make the gravy if they’re making the turkey too, we think it’s nice to make things easier on them and have someone else bring it instead. The good thing about volunteering for this is that it’s pretty easy and doesn’t require too much work, so you may be able to volunteer for something else too, like dessert! Here is a simple gravy recipe you can follow if you need some help getting started.


Stuffing is another side dish that your Thanksgiving dinner can’t be without, so someone’s going to have to take charge on this one! There are tons of stuffing recipes out there, but one that we love in particular is this cornbread turkey stuffing recipe – it’s certainly unique and will take your turkey’s flavor up a notch!

Apple Pie

And better yet, dutch apple pie. If you’re on the dessert committee and choose apple pie, keep in mind that you’ll have one more obligation, and that’s to bring ice cream too! After all, apple pie may taste great on its own, but it’s really not complete without a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

Apple Pear Punch

Don’t forget that someone will also have to be in charge of the drinks! In addition to usual party drink offerings such as water and soda, you should also have something seasonal and festive – that’s where apple pear punch comes in! We bet guests will love a cocktail that’s filled with fall flavors, and the best part is that this punch isn’t too difficult to make; all you need to get started is 1 apple, 1 quart of apple cider, 2 cups of pear nectar, 24 ounces of ginger ale and apple pie vodka if desired.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

You should always have some type of fruit on the dessert table, and one of our favorites to include is chocolate covered strawberries. For Thanksgiving in particular, we recommend this fall arrangement (super festive!) but any kind will do. In fact, you may even want to consider making chocolate covered strawberries an activity you and your friends do together during your Friendsgiving party!

A Fruit Bouquet

Speaking of fruit, if you can’t decide on just one, your best bet would be to bring a fruit bouquet. Fruit bouquet arrangements come with a variety of juicy fruits, making them the perfect dessert for friends who have a hard time agreeing on one flavor or food!

If you’ll be attending or hosting a Friendsgiving party this year, what foods would you like to see? Should you have some other Friendsgiving food ideas, be sure to share them with us!


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