7 Best Winter Fruits
Nov 23, 2016
Fruit is a delicious food choice all year round, but not all fruits remain in season all 365 days of the year. For example, think about when you usually bite into a fresh, juicy watermelon – are you more likely to do so at a summer BBQ or after Christmas dinner?
Since each fruit has their own time of year when they’re best to eat, we wanted to share some that prove to be the best during the winter. Over the next few months, we suggest biting into a few of these:
- Blood oranges. We’re sure you’ve had an orange in your lifetime, but have you ever had a blood orange? These tend to taste best when you eat them fresh, and some sources say that the best kinds are Moro and Tarocco, both of which thrive during the winter months.
- Although you can find tasty kumquats in June and October, they tend to be at their best starting in December (and you can enjoy them all throughout the winter!). And if you want to really enjoy them, make sure that you test for firmness by squeezing gently before purchasing a few.
- It’s no wonder that cranberry sauce is often included during Thanksgiving feasts – it’s during this time of year that cranberries thrive! To ensure that you’re finding the best cranberries in the bunch, look for those that are bright in color.
- Although lemons can be found year round, the winter season is one of the best times to use them! And since these can be used for a variety of reasons (for example, you may just be looking for the juice or you might want some lemon slices), you can enhance all of your winter foods with this delicious flavor!
- If you have a New Year’s Resolution to eat healthier and make a change, start with grapefruits – many say that grapefruits can aid in the weight loss process! And since they’re in season during the winter, they are the perfect fruit to indulge in during the start of the new year.
- There’s nothing like biting into a sweet tangerine! When selecting a few for yourself make sure you’re looking for tangerines that are firm, heavy, and that exhibit a deep orange color – soft spots are a sign that you need to keep looking!
- Pears are another popular winter fruit, so if you haven’t had one in a while, now’s the time to pick up a few! Any that are not yet ripe can be stored at room temperature, but ripe pears should be kept in the refrigerator to preserve their great taste.
Although you may be able to find some other kinds of fruits for sale during the winter season, we think you’ll be most happy with the taste by choosing those that are truly in season! Which are you most excited to incorporate into your diet this winter?